aka Kristen Lukiewski



My aesthetic is: Not quite simple, not quite extravagant, mostly handmade, definitely detail-oriented, as personal as possible, and completely custom. I can embrace clean lines and white space as soon as I can embrace an explosion of color. I believe form should follow function, and like to find the balance between “more is more” and skipping any extras that just generate waste. I take my work seriously, but I don’t want my work to be too serious. My favorite designs are straight-forward with a surprising little something-something. If that sounds like an approach that’s up your alley, then let’s work together! CONTACT »


I try to complete projects in a way that reflect my own values.

The list of things and people I believe warrant special attention and protection is long, but I regularly donate money to people and agencies that do the work to protect the environment, women’s rights, Black lives, and more.

Your love is welcome here 🏳️‍🌈


  • Kristen Lukiewski

  • uncomfortable with providing a biography

  • originally from Allentown, PA; for reasons unknown even to me, I’ll find a way to bring it up in almost any conversation

  • studied communication design and writing at Carnegie Mellon University

  • did a little stint in SF (was v freaked out about the lack of rain there)

  • lived in Brooklyn for a bunch of years and I miss it, but I do also like having a yard in the ‘burbs now

  • content strategist in a previous professional life

  • ask me about recycling, I know my stuff

  • can get emotionally invested in any/everything

  • Taurus/INTJ/5w4; am surprised my brain decided these were relevant right here right now

  • occasionally proud, mostly exasperated, but always loving! owner of my dog, an energetic Wheaten Terrier/Poodle mix named Meatball


Keep up with current work on Instagram. FOLLOW ME »